The Most Offensive Blog Ever!
So have you ever been offended? Well, prepare to be. Just kidding. This blogs purpose isn't to offend you, but to help you realize how to overcome offense and what you can do when you are offended. I have been offended several times, most have come from being a missionary and knocking on someones door who isn't as happy to see you as you are to see them. Before I can even open my mouth I've been swore at in 7 different languages and threatened me with barbed-wire wrapped around a baseball bat. (None of that was true.) So as shocking and as offensive as a situation like that would have been, I know just how not to take offense. This can apply into any offense that you may have been exposed to.
1st.) Forgiveness. You have got to forgive them first, not out of self-righteousness pride, but out of a sincere love for your Savior and therefore your fellow man.
2nd.) Long Suffering. Despite the sour offense that has just occurred you cannot let it allow you to question your love for Jesus Christ and thereby deter you from keeping His commandments and being obedient.
3rd.) Humility. I have found that it is easiest to take offense when you are perfect, or at least think that you are perfect and better than those around you. When you realize the struggles you have and the imperfections you have, you are better able to have patience with those imperfect people who surround you.
Great counsel, Elder Sherwood. (Eye-catching title, too!)